


取代: 2011年10月,2003年5月
This policy is comprehensive and replaces all previous policies and statements concerning 平等就业机会、平权行动和多样性.


To reaffirm and restate the College’s continuing commitment to diversity and the principles of equal opportunity; to increase effectiveness by setting forth the action being taken and to be taken by the College and its employees concerning equal opportunity 在教育项目和就业方面.  



蒙哥马利县社区学院致力于确保平等的机会 all persons and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, 退伍军人身份、婚姻状况或残疾情况 in its educational programs, 《bet36365体育网站》第六章和第七章所要求的活动或雇佣实践 1964年的权利法案,1972年的教育修正案第九条,第504条 1973年的康复法案,美国残疾人法案等 适用的法规. 关于第六、第七、第九和/或504章的查询 Compliance or ADA should be referred to: The Director of Equity and Diversity Initiatives, (215) 619-7383.


The College is committed to complying with all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination. 此外,它应努力建立一个多元化的社区,在其中机会是 equal for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, 退伍军人身份、婚姻状况或残疾情况 . 学院还致力于 providing educational opportunities, developing definite operational plans, and acting as a responsible institution to reduce and or eliminate educational and job inequities among all people, and will take positive steps in its response to the needs for equitable 全民教育和就业机会的分配. 学院是 致力于采取措施增加个人在岗位上的人数 他们传统上没有被雇用.


学院不会歧视任何雇员或求职者 because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital 身份或残疾 . 此外,学院通过其就业实践和 procedures will recruit and employ qualified personnel for all of its diverse activities 以及所有的设施. 学院为学生和学生提供平等的机会 during employment by administering each and every phase of its personnel program without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital 身份或残疾


  1.  蒙哥马利县社区学院 (MCCC) will recruit on the basis of qualifications and individual ability without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, 退伍军人身份、婚姻状况或残疾情况.
  2. 招聘 sources will be notified through written and verbal notification of the 学院对平等就业机会和多样性的政策和承诺.
  3. 招聘 practices will focus on creating a feeling conducive to attracting qualified 不同的候选人. 
  4. The College will strengthen and develop new recruiting sources from among those specializing 针对不同候选人的安置.  
  5. MCCC将启动bt365体育备用网站工作和与中学的联络项目 and colleges having a concentration of people of color and women and will be included 在定期招聘时间表和访问.


蒙哥马利县社区学院 (MCCC) has a strong institutional commitment to diversity and is dedicated to excellence through diversity in education and employment. MCCC是一个平等就业机会雇主,为员工提供平等的就业和教育机会 所有有资格的人. 为了与学院的多样性倡议保持一致,MCCC寻求 and welcomes applications from 不同的候选人, those who have had multicultural 经验,以及那些能够表现出对多样性的承诺的人.

  1. The use of news media directed to people of color, women, and other diverse individuals 会成为学院广告宣传的一部分吗. 
  2. The 人力资源 Office and the Director of Equity and Diversity Initiatives shall assist in recruiting qualified applicants for all positions in cooperation with the department or unit having the open position, and shall make special efforts to  increase 申请人群体的多样性. 
  3. 9.   教学部门招聘广告, 行政管理专业/管理 and technical categories will be placed in those professional journals and job registries which would broaden the applicant pool and those that are readily available to people 有色人种、女性和其他不同群体.
  4. 10. 如果成立选拔委员会,将尽最大努力形成多元化的人才。 遴选委员会.  无论如何,遴选委员会将采用最有可能的方法 to result in the inclusion of qualified, diverse individuals in the interview pool.
  1. 就业申请人的考虑和安置不考虑种族,肤色, 宗教、性别(包括怀孕)、血统、国籍、年龄(40岁或以上)、 sexual orientation, 遗传信息,退伍军人身份,婚姻状况或残疾. 学院将继续张贴“平等就业机会”海报 在雇员和求职者可以使用的显眼地方.
  2. 就业申请表符合适用的联邦法律.
  3. Screening procedures, such as application review, interviewing, and testing are validated, standardized, and consistent with applicable laws and acceptable personnel practices. So as not to adversely affect the employment opportunities of people of color, women, and other diverse individuals, employment interviewers will be specially instructed 学院的平等就业机会政策和对多元化的承诺.
  4. The 人力资源 Office will maintain records on interviews conducted and on the 访谈结果.
  1. 1For the purposes of demotions, layoffs, recalls, opportunities for promotion, transfer, and filling temporary openings, an employee’s qualifications, including ability to perform the work and service, are 被认为是 without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, 遗传信息,退伍军人身份,婚姻状况或残疾 .
  2. To ensure equal opportunity for promotion, the College will make known on a College-wide 本公司现诚邀有意者前来应聘 被认为是. 

Personnel policies and practices such as compensation and benefit programs are the 定期检讨的对象,以确保他们是一致的适用和 当前的法律要求,以及它们的执行不考虑种族, 肤色,宗教,性别(包括怀孕),血统,国籍,年龄(40岁或40岁) 年龄),遗传信息,婚姻状况,退伍军人身份或残疾.

  1. MCCC will make an effort to utilize the services of people of color, women, and other diverse groupsin its subcontractors, independent contractors, and vendor relationships.  
  2. MCCC将在每项业务中纳入平等就业机会声明   合同及附属代理合同和采购订单.  
  1. In order to prevent invasions of privacy, it is the policy of MCCC to carefully control access to personal identifying data contained in personnel files, including factors such as race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), ancestry, national origin, age (40 or older), sexual orientation, genetic information, veteran’s status, marital 身份或残疾.