

Date: May 2003

Supersedes: N/A


The Faculty Progressive Discipline Policy is an agreed upon policy that guides the discipline of any faculty member unless another provision is provided in the contract 例如,与见习兼职教员. 本政策适用于 包括全职和兼职教师.


In November 2000 the faculty union and administrative representatives, through the Meet and Discuss process, developed the attached Faculty Progressive Discipline Procedure.

The Procedure has been used in several cases since it was developed though there is no evidence that the procedure was ever formally approved by the president and /or 并作为附录添加到教师合同中.

已经就程序咨询了学院法律顾问. 意图及合法性 of the procedure is strong, though the administration may want to adjust the procedure in the future to allow for different approaches to three categories of discipline: 表现、行为不端、旷工/迟到.



In cases where 纪律处分 is necessary, the progressive disciplinary procedure 将执行以下概述.

Oral Warning

When the Faculty Member commits an infraction of a work rule or any other behavior that necessitates correction, the division dean/program director (DD/PD) should informally meet with the Faculty Member (in private) and clearly explain his/her objection to the behavior/work performance, state what the acceptable standard is, and encourage 教员要提高. 教员将被告知他/她可以 要求一名联盟观察员出席这次会议. DD/PD应记录 会议的时间、日期、地点和性质,以备将来参考. A copy of this record of meeting will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office and the Union.

Written Warning

If the informal meeting fails to correct the behavior, the DD/PD must prepare a Written Warning Notice. 本通知应说明违规和/或不可接受的情况 工作行为,并说明什么是可接受的行为. 适当的恶习 president (Academic Affairs and Provost/Student Affairs and Enrollment Management) and the Executive Director of Human Resources will assist the DD/PD in the preparation 的书面警告通知.


After the Written Warning Notice has been prepared and sent to the Faculty Member with a copy going to the Union and/or appropriate administrator, the Faculty Member has ten (10) calendar days to request a meeting with the Executive Director of Human 资源,合适的副主席,DD/PD,和一个联盟观察员. During the meeting, the Faculty Member will be provided with an explanation as to why the 通知被认为是必要的. 随后将与学院进行讨论 成员的不良行为和/或工作表现. 在…的结尾 this meeting, the Faculty Member will be encouraged to make a commitment to correct the objectionable behavior and/or work performance and be again told what will be 被认为是将来可接受的行为/工作. 最后,教员将 be advised that if improvement is not made, more severe 纪律处分 will be taken.

A Faculty Member may also submit a written response to the Written Warning Notice within ten (10) days after the meeting if held or after receiving the Written Warning Notice. 该答复将在书面警告通知变成书面警告之前附在书面警告通知之后 部分纪律处分档案. 十八(18)个月后,成为教员 may submit a written request to have material contained in his/her Human Resources 与该事件有关的引起纪律处分的文件被删除.

In the event the Oral Warning and Written Warning Notice fail to correct the behavior and/or work performance, the DD/PD, in consultation with the Executive Director of Human Resources and appropriate vice president, will prepare a letter outlining the 由学院采取的纪律处分. 纪律处分包括: 但不限于,在非教学日无薪休学. (See General 工资损失分项.如果可能的话,这封信将交给 Faculty Member at a meeting attended by the Faculty Member, the DD/PD, appropriate vice president, Executive Director of Human Resources, and a Union representative. Again, the objectionable behavior and/or work performance will be pointed out, the earlier Written Warning Notice will be discussed, and the Faculty Member will be told how his/her failure to heed the earlier Written Warning Notice necessitated this action. 学院可自行决定第二次停学.


If the actions outlined above fail to correct the behavior and/or work performance of the Faculty Member, the DD/PD, in consultation with the Executive Director of Human Resources and the appropriate vice president, will prepare a Notice of Termination 并将其交给教职员工和学生会.


In the event the DD/PD is confronted with gross insubordination, such as outright refusal to follow a legitimate work order and/or serious offenses, which may include but not necessarily limited to theft, physical assault or other behavior that is viewed by the DD/PD as an imminent threat to the others, he/she is authorized to take immediate 纪律处分.

Generally, the action taken should be an immediate suspension with pay and removal 从工作现场撤离,等待调查. 此时必须通知工会. The DD/PD should inform the Faculty Member that he/she will be notified as soon as 调查完成(通常不超过五(5)个日历日). Following this action (immediate suspension), the DD/PD must notify the Executive Director of 人力资源部,适当的副主席和工会. 执行董事 of Human Resources, with appropriate vice president and the DD/PD, will prepare the investigative report which shall be shared with the Union before a decision regarding 正式作出适当的纪律处分.


The Union shall submit a list of “on call” Union members who will be available in the event the Faculty Member requests a Union observer or representative be present.

All requirements of the College to notify or inform the Union will be satisfied by 通知联盟主席或其指定人员.

Disciplinary action taken by the College through its administrative staff as outlined above is subject to ARTICLE 3, GRIEVANCE/ARBITRATION PROCEDURE, of the Faculty Contract.